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  • 计算机基础理论二

    251、下面是关于Windows 文件名的叙述,正确的是______。A.文件名中不允许使用汉字B.文件名中必须使用英文字母开头C.文件名中允许使用空格D.文件名中不允许中文和英文共同命名答案:C252、在Windows 中,将某个选定的文...

  • 计算机基础-理论部分一


  • 英语B-词汇(点击打开)

    词汇与语法B1、He opened the letter and it contained ________.A.an important informationB.some important informationsC.many imp...

  • 英语B-完形填空(点击打开)

    完型填空B1、Our school has a big library. It has many books on different subjects. Students can read books and newspapers in ...

  • 英语B-交际英语(点击打开)

    交际英语1、- How do you like the movie we saw yesterday?- _________A.You are welcome. B.How abou...

  • 英语B-英译汉(点击打开)

    英译汉B1、I am writing this letter to complain about the service in your hotel.答案:我写这封信的目的是要投诉你们旅馆的服务。 2、They questioned bot...

  • 英语B-阅读理解(点击打开)

    阅读理解B1、Peter wondered why he didn‘t have many friends. The reason was he was always taking, never giving. One day Peter ...

  • 英语B-写作题(点击打开)

    My Favourite Food(我最喜欢的食物)I like many different kinds of foods, among them, egg is my favorite. Egg contains a lot of es...

  • 英语B-写作二

    My teacher of English(我的英语老师)/ My Teacher / A (good) teacher to remember(我的老师/难忘的老师)My English teacher (in high school) ...